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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kemensah - Outran by 2 Kingfishers

18th February, 2010

The Barbet were making their nest and also a pair of Grey faced Fish-Eagles spotted - such news enticed me to be in Kemensah. I made a special attempt to be there early. Arriving on the main road before 8.00 am. The place was very quiet and the weather the dullest. No other option but sat in the car and was a look out for signals. What signals?

Signs of birds flying about, then gauging from the level of birds activities, I could plan my moves for the morning. Fat hopes! An hour ticked by, not a single bird, very unusual indeed. No point searching other place beside that where I had parked, as "that" would be the mood for the area for that time. It was not until 9.30 am when the first bird, a pair of Striped throated flew across the "valley".
The day had begun. After such a poor start, cannot blame me for having no confidence to hike, I drove in towards the end of the road. Passing by the fish pond, this fellow momentarily stood at the fencing. I moved in for my first shot for the day -at the dried bed of the pond.
Continued my hunt till the road ended, Bulbuls and Robin magpies and Flowerpeckers. Time to hike! Once at the bend, there were bird waves, made up of little tiny fellows at the canopy level. Jumping about and not wanting to be recognized. I waited for some to get lower but they won't, sensing a human present down on the ground level.
Not exactly true, one among the pair was wondering, thought I was not watching, emerged momentarily from the bush. Ah ha! I was ready. Fired 3 shots and harvested one respectable view. Time was getting late nearing 11.00 am, the weather turning brighter. Went down the slope for my patrol. This time, while driving passed the other pond, a Black-capped stood. Not to miss this unique chance, proceeded that spot as a normal passer-by. Got my camera mounted inside the car and drove back on the return leg. The bird left! Disappointed, I continued, then turn around, back trekked for another round.

Hey! How did I missed this little guy on the way out? On the way in, saw the little Blue-eared about 100 meters away. This time, with the camera still in position I would shot without creeping there. But first I must stop the car. Yes, I stop and it flew! He! He! He! So 2 Kingfishers in one day.

That the story of my life! Time for me to lie low, wait for my luck to change for the better. I waited in the area towards the end of the road for about 30 minutes, hoping and giving time for the birds to return to their perch.

I came back and sure enough, there was a huge bird. From a distance of 200 meters through my front windscreen I shot for my insurance.

Then forward the car to a spot nearer for the real shot. I didn't even have the chance to bring my car to a halt, the bird flew when the car came uncomfortably close, meaning some 50 meters away. Not a sign of being frightened off by me but a safer distance and up in the Coconut tree.

No false move, shot free hand from the car and luckily a couple of those hit the target before our friend left the scene.

1 comment:

  1. Well, that BC kingfisher is still there! I haven't been to the ponds for more than a month. Maybe a visit there this weekend. I cant quite make out the fish eagle, I know both the Lesser and the Grey headed are there.
