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Friday, January 22, 2010

Birdlife in Rimba - January

How nice it would be to have a home next to the birds? You get to know who came calling and how often!

Naaa! I think that rationale came about not because of the birds but really a silent wish to get away from the concrete jungle of Petaling Jaya. While I may not walk into a real forest that easily but I have got a nice park next to a near forest environment - Kiara.

The birds I get to see there range from trash birds to the beloved migrants - plus a couple of Hornbills thrown in.

When I need to escape from the mundane routine, especially from spending too much time not blinking my eyes on the computer, it is a 10 minutes drive.

This "Yellowface" after suffering from a very wet night was out early to greet my arrival

Time to meet up Tan a on a Saturday. Sure enough he was there. Nothing spectacular but some follow up needed. The weeds had overgrown shielding our sight from the favorite squatting spots of the Common Kingfisher - need to have that cleared.

The Brahminy started building their nest.

Most important of all - the fruits that attracted Bulbuls and the whole lot were almost ready for harvesting. In fact, a Yellow-vented and a Common Iora were having their breaskfast on the early ripen few.


  1. Hi!
    Good to know that this bird of prey thrive at Kiara. I never see that Brahminy so close.
    You birds picture has been my inspiration when I started birding/photographing. Still a lot to see and learn, but not enough time to go out. I wish I can retire like you and start birding all over the place.
    Thanks for following my crappy blog! ;)

  2. Hi Mr Khong,
    Like Tabib I learned a lot from your website and used it regularly to identify the bird species during the early days.
    I'm honoured to have you as a follower.
    Best regards,

  3. Don't you see, I am drawing closer and learning from the younger set now. In contary, nice of you guys to accept me.

  4. Great raptor photo! hope to see more
